Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Wilderness of the Mind of Man Part 4

“I Am the Garden of Eternal Wisdom.”

Our seeker has not only found the way to the garden, but has gained the wisdom that allows him to be the master of the garden. The wisdom is that there is no easy, quick-fix way of obtaining truth and knowledge. You need to seek truth with a strong heart and seize knowledge with a strong hand, and when you do this you do not reach the garden: you become the garden of wisdom.

This installment of the Wilderness of the Mind of Man story brings to a conclusion my first attempt at giving you a glimpse of one aspect of ancient African history. This story has many lessons and one can draw wisdom from it. There is a lot more African history out there so go look it up. I’ll do my best to post what I find here so that we can look back at a rich heritage as we step forward into the future. Sankofa.


I rose up and plunged into the Pool and drank my fill of the sweet cold water; and strength returned to my body; and clean young flesh reclothed my withered limbs. Then I stood naked on the brink of the Pool, and stretched my arms towards the Sky and the Sun; and I gazed upon the trees and the flowers and the LAND like one new born to earth.

Then my eyes fell upon a vast Pillar that stood by the shores of the Pool, and gleamed like a Mountain of Silver in the light of the Morning Sun. Upon each face of the Pillar were characters graven in the stone; and I approached and scanned them, and these were the words which I read:

On the Face of the Pillar that fronts the Desert I read these words:

Without is the Wilderness of the Mind of Man.

On the Face that fronts the Fertile Land I read:

Here lies the Oasis of Knowledge.

On the Third Face that looks upon the Lake I read:

The Pool of the Waters of Truth.

I looked upon the Fourth Face of the Pillar, but my eyes failed to serve me, for that Face seemed to front all ways at once. I sought to read the words I knew were graven upon it, but could decipher none. I turned away and heard a Trumpet Voice from Earth and Water and Air speak and say:

The Kingdom is not yet won.

Then I knew that my toil was not ended, for though I was saved, yet my Brothers were lost. And I thought, I will return to the Wilderness, and lighten the lot of the Lost Ones with Water from this Pool which I have found.

I built a canal from the Pool across the Desert Land; and I dug deep wells in the cities to store the Waters of Truth. I named myself Guardian of the Waters, and called the thirsty to drink, and many came at my bidding and drank as I directed.

Then I marveled, for I saw that all who came departed unrefreshed, and I tasted the water of my own wells and found it warm and salty.

Then I planned to build a road from the cities to the Pool, to make the Way easy and smooth to the feet of my weary Brothers; but When I had made my Highway, all those that travelled by it returned again to the cities reviling me as a deceiver. At this I wondered greatly, and set forth by the Way I had fashioned; but I found that indeed there was no road, the Sands had swallowed it up.

And at last WISDOM flowered in my Heart, and I saw that Knowledge and Truth can never be reached by any easy and pleasant way: They can never be found by cunning device of the Mind of Man: TRUTH MUST BE REACHED THROUGH THE STRENGTH OF THE HEART; AND KNOWLEDGE GRASPED WITH THE POWER OF THE HAND.

I rose up and returned to the Oasis and the Pool; and the eyes of my True Being opened and looked upon the Pillar, on that face which fronts all ways at once: and these were the words I saw graven there:

I am the Garden of Eternal Wisdom.

I gazed upon the Beauty in the Golden LIGHT of WISDOM; and knew with love and rapture that I had found my kingdom: the Garden was the Home of Father, Sons, and Brothers, and I WAS NOW ITS LORD.

Consider my story, O Learners, for the story is your own. You are Sons of the Garden and dwellers in the Wilderness. You are heirs to the Garden, but not until you conquer the wilderness will you find the Lost Land and receive your heritage.

With your own courage you must brave the Desert. By your own Strength you must overcome its perils. Hunger and thirst must not daunt you. Danger and Pain and Weariness must not stay your steps. If you fall, you must rise unaided and press forward with no thought of rest. Because there is no rest nor help nor any relief from struggle in The Wilderness of the Mind of Man.

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